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15 abr 2015

Water marbling

Hola!! Esta semana tuvo un inicio un poquito difícil para mi pero aquí estoy, con un manicure de water marble. Les cuento, pinté mis uñas con Pucci - licious de Color Club y probé con los esmaltes Morgan Taylor Party at the palace  y Watch your step sister a ver si funcionaban y si lo hacen!! se extienden muy bien en el agua e hice el diseño water marble en mi dedo anular con una capa de pink slip de Sally Hansen. Para sellar el diseño y el color puse una capa de brillo Need for speed de Morgan Taylor. Que les parece?

Hi! so this week i had a kid of a rough start but im here! and i want to show you today this water marble manicure. So i painted my nails with Color Club Pucci-licious and i wanted to find out if Morgan Taylor nail polishes were good for water marble so i tried with party at the palace and watch your step sister, and Oh! they work! so i water marbled my ring finger to do an accent nail with those colors and using Sally Hansen - Pink Slip as a base and done! I painted one coat of Need for speed topcoat to protect the color and the design. What do you think?

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