Pinté mis uñas de los dedos meñiques e índice con dos capas de Orly - Beach crusier, la uña de mi dedo anular con dos capas de Milani - 509 HD, la uña de mi dedo medio con esmalte negro y por último la de mi dedo pulgar con dos capas de KB Shimmer - Its Razzical. Sobre mi dedo medio pegué tres chevrones blancos con la ayuda de una pinza de cejas.
Como pueden ver era mi primera vez probando los nail vinyls y no los ubiqué ni recorté muy bien las orillas pero me encantó poder recrear un manicure que tenía hace mucho tiempo en mi Board de nail art en Pinterest y no podía hacerlo porque los chevrons no me salían a mano! Han usado nail vinyls o les gustaría probarlos? que les parecen?
Hi! today i have to show you something new i tried, Nail Vinyls. Nail vinyls are plastic stickers, they come in different shapes and colors to make nail art so much easier. I got mine at Make it stick designs and among the huge variety i picked black chevrons and black stripes and hearts. The white chevrons im showing you today are Maria emma's from My nails diary PTY.
To get this look i painted my little and pointer finger nails with two coats of Orly - Beach Crusier, my ring finger nail with two coats of Milani -509 HD, my middle finger nail with black nail polish and my thumb finger nail with two coats of KB shimmer - Its razzical. On my middle finger nail i placed three white chevrons using tweezers.
As you can see the placing was not perfect and i didn't cut all right the edges of the vinyls but hey! it was my first time! and i loved to finally be able to recreate a manicure that has been on my Pinterest nail art board for months and i couldn't do it because i can't do freehand chevrons. Do you use nail vynils? would you like to try them? do you like them?
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