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7 feb 2012

Rafflecopter Giveaway-#Win an iPad 2 and Amazon Kindle Fire 2/8

To celebrate the New Year~Rafflecopter is going to give away a 16GB Apple iPad2 and several Kindle Fires!

To enter, simply tell us who referred you to this giveaway! You can receive additional entries below too. In addition suggest a Mascot Name – You’ve seen the Rafflecopter smiley-face dude hanging around the web. For an additional entry, suggest a name! 
After the giveaway is over, we’ll go through the list of names and pick out our favorite suggestions (be creative!) and bring it to a vote on Facebook. If your name is chosen, you’ll win a Kindle Fire and be immortalized in Rafflecopter history :)

Please Be sure to put that Please Be sure to put that Deb K referred you from DebsHere~Thanks!  enter here

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