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7 oct 2010

The short second life of Bree Tanner - Stephenie Meyer

I watched his body change. 
He crouched on the roof, one hand gripping the edge.
All that strange friendliness dissapeared, and he was a hunter.

That was something i recognized, something i was comfortable with because i understood it.
I turned off my brain. It was time to hunt. I took a deep breath.

Drawing in the scent of the blood inside the humans below. They weren't the only humans around, but they were the closest. 

Who you were going to hunt was the kind of decision you had to make before you scented your prey.
It was too late now to choose anything.

La más reciente historia de the twilight saga, narra la corta vida de una newborn que apenas conocimos en Eclipse. Ya conocemos el final pero los fans no nos privamos de disfrutar de la narrativa de Stephenie Meyer.

Este libro ni lo he leido! es decir si lo leí pero en formato e- book por que no podía esperar a que llegara mi pedido ( lo quería en ingles, por que tengo toda la saga en ingles) y no lo encontraba en mi país más que en español. Así que en cuanto me llego lo guarde con los demás libros de Twilight y ahi reposa. =)

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